Sphynx Cat Adoption: How to Care for the Perfect Hairless Cat

The Sphynx cat is unique in the feline world for one incredibly apparent reason: it's hairless.

Unlike other cats with short or long fluffy fur, the Sphynx cat has none, making it virtually hypoallergenic.

People with cat allergies that would have no ability to have a Siamese or a Burmese can have a Sphynx without issues. For this reason, many allergy sufferers (and those who just like hairless cats) look at Sphynx cat adoption to get a feline companion without all the fur.

If you're considering doing the adoption process for a Sphynx, there are a few things you should know first to get the perfect feline friend!

You'll Need To Prepare First Before a Sphynx Cat Adoption

Before a hairless cat adoption, you'll need to prepare both mentally and physically for the cat's arrival.

First, you'll have to be ready for grooming. Many people mistakenly believe that hairless cats require no grooming because they have no fur. However, that isn't correct at all. A cat's fur has many vital roles. One of those is to absorb oils and other residues that the skin produces. Essentially, the cat's fur acts as a barrier between the outside world and the skin. It protects the skin from dust and protects those holding the cat from feeling all the sweat and oils that its skin naturally produces.

Since hairless cats don't have any fur, caring for your cat requires frequent baths to wash those oils off and make their skin feel like new. And, no, Sphynx cats don't like to bathe any more than other breeds! As such, when you adopt your Sphynx, ensure that you have a proper bath place for them. The last thing you need is to be trying to get an oily, sweaty cat into a makeshift bath!

You'll also want to prepare for your new pet's arrival in the same way that you would with any other cat. Get some food, a litter box, water bowls, and a few cat toys. You'll want to "cat-proof" your house, as well, so that your new feline friend can't find their way into problematic situations.

Find a Sphynx Cat

The next part of your Sphynx cat adoption journey is to find a shelter that has a Sphynx. Since these cats are relatively rare, this won't be an easy task.

Try searching on the ASPCA's website to see if there are any Sphynx cats in your area. If there are, then, great, you got lucky! You can call the shelter to confirm and then head down to pick up your cat.

However, because these pets are so rare, in all probability, your local adoption shelter won't have one. If this happens, try giving them a call and asking for a notification when/if they get a Sphynx cat in the future. Most shelters will happily take down your name and remind you when they get a Sphynx.

If you have no luck with adoption shelters, you may wish to consider getting a Sphynx from a breeder. While it may cost significantly more, they'll have ones available.

Be Mindful of Two Health Conditions with Sphynx Cats

Whether you're adopting a baby Sphynx cat or an adult one, you should know that these cats are prone to two health conditions in particular. 

The first (and most serious one) is a condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This disease causes the heart walls to thicken. When this happens, the ability of the heart to function decreases substantially. If the walls thicken too much, it can be fatal for the pet.

Since this disease is genetic, the shelter should run some tests to see if the particular Sphynx you're interested in has it or not. Ask to see the results of those tests (or, if they haven't, get a vet to run them) before signing the final adoption paperwork.

Skin problems are the other health condition that Sphynx cats have. If you notice any skin problems and other cat allergies, including redness or irritation, you may wish to discuss that with the shelter before bringing that hairless cat home!

Sphynx Care

For the most part, cat care for your Sphynx female cat or male cat is about the same as any other furry feline. Sphynx cats eat the same food. They also use the litter box, just like every other cat.

Aside from grooming, there is one essential difference between Sphynx cats and more common indoor cats: heat regulation. Conventional cats have fur to keep them warm in the house. A Sphynx cat has none.

Therefore, in the winter months, you'll need to make sure that your feline friend has access to plenty of blankets and cozy cat beds. There are even heated cat beds now. If your home gets unusually cold, please consider one of those.

Sphynx Cat Adoption: The Perfect Pet for the Right Person

A Sphynx cat is one of the best cat breeds out there. It's a unique feline that's perfect for the right person. Whether you're allergic or you don't want to deal with fur shedding, the Sphynx is the ideal companion for someone that wants a cat but doesn't want the hair. With the right approach, you'll find your perfect Sphynx feline friend!

How much are hairless cats?

How much it costs to get a Sphynx cat depends mostly on which method you choose. If you decide to adopt your Sphynx, expect fees to be approximately $100-$200. However, if you buy one from a breeder, you could pay $1,000 or more for the cat!

Where to adopt a cat?

The best place to adopt a cat is your local animal shelter. They'll undoubtedly have some cats for you to adopt. If you're looking for a Sphynx, in particular, you can call up the shelter or use the ASPCA search website that lets you search for adoptable pets of a specific breed close to your home.

How to adopt a cat?

The adoption process for a cat is relatively straightforward. You'll go to the shelter, find the cat you want, and fill out some paperwork. Some adoption shelters are pickier than others. You may get some questions about your home life and set up. After passing the paperwork part, you'll pay the shelter the fees and get the cat!

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Written by Leo Roux

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