Any bird lover would be more than happy to bring home a Blue Parakeet, also known as a Budgie. Even someone who already owns birds may learn a thing or two about these birds before they go out to adopt them.
These things include where they come from, what kind of food they like to eat, and what sort of living environment they thrive in. Someone should have a good understanding of these things about Blue Parakeets before heading to the pet store to adopt one.
Where are Blue Parakeets From?

The blue and green parakeet are both native to Australia, where they are still found flying around out in the open in flocks. The Blue Parakeet is a nomadic bird that travels around Australia in large flocks. These beautiful birds tend to mate during the rainy seasons in their environment when they have access to plenty of food and water. Grain farmers of Australia are driven nuts by these cute little birds because Blue Parakeets love Many of the grains that the farmers tend to grow.
What Do Blue Parakeets Eat?

The diet that the Blue Parakeet eats is a weather specific one. They can eat bird seed, and technically live off it, but there are many other foods that should be incorporated in their diet. Bird seed is an important part of their diet but should not be their primary source of food. Blue Parakeets should only be given about two tablespoons of bird seed daily. This amount can increase or decrease depending on the nutritional needs of your bird. The rest of their diet should consist of specific fruits and vegetables.
These specific fruits and vegetables can include oranges, apples, pears, grapes, kale, spinach, lettuce, melon, squash, and broccoli, just to name a few. You can cut these fruits and vegetables up and add them to their bird seed or throw a few in the bottom of their cage as a midafternoon snack. This variety of foods will help them to meet their nutritional needs. The Blue Parakeet lifespan can be prolonged when their nutritional needs are kept up with.
What Kind of Living Environment Do They Need?

Blue Parakeets are bust, playful little birds so you will want to get them a decent sized cage to jump around and play in. They are also birds that require companionship so be prepared to own more than one Blue Parakeet if you won’t always be home to play with them. Not only will you need a cage large enough for two birds, but for the toys of two birds.
Having two Blue Parakeets is recommended when you know that you will be spending prolonged periods of time away from home. That way they have a companion to hang out with while you’re gone. However, if you tend to spend a lot of time at home and will have the time to bond and interact with your Blue Parakeet, having only one is a better decision. They will bond better with you if you are the only one who they are interacting with often.
Parakeets are clean freaks and require a clean living environment. This might mean that you will have the job of cleaning their cage several times per week to keep your little birds happy and healthy. The days that you are cleaning their home is also a great time for you and your Blue Parakeets to interact and bond. Maybe you will be successful in teaching them a few new words.
How Much are parakeets?

You may be asking yourself this question now, with their diet being so broad. The bird itself may only cost as little as $22 but depending on where you go to purchase a Blue Parakeet, they could cost over $100. Their bird seed is relatively cheap to buy and comes in a rather large bag. You should be all set for a few weeks or even months with just one bag, considering how little of it they should get each day.
Consider sharing scraps from your dinner preparations with your Blue Parakeet to save yourself some money on buying produce for them. If the fruits or vegetables haven’t been cooked or seasoned, they are okay to share.
What are Their Personalities Like?

Blue Parakeets are particular and busy little birds that are also fun to interact with. They are very picky about their cage being always clean, and full of stimulating toys to play with.
They also love to have attention and will not be happy if no one else is in the house with them for prolonged periods of time daily. When they are happy and amused, they will sing and talk to you, often mimicking words, and phrases they have heard said around them.
Blue or Green Parakeets make wonderful additions to the home for any bird lover out there. These little birds will keep you entertained as long as you return the favor by filling their cage with tons of fun toys to play with.
They will also keep you on a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables as you will need to keep plenty stocked in the fridge for them. You can share a mid-day snack with your Blue Parakeet as they serenade you with their singing and chattering.
How long do blue parakeets live?
Do blue parakeets talk?
How much is a Blue Parakeet?
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