Tips to Extend the Hedgehog Lifespan

Are you thinking about adopting a hedgehog? If so, one of the things that you may want to know more about is their lifespan.

The average hedgehog will live around 10 years. However, there are some tips that can help you to extend the pet hedgehog lifespan.

Feeding Them a Good Diet

One of the best tips for helping to improve the domestic hedgehog lifespan is to feed them a good diet. After all, any pet needs better food for a longer, healthier life. There is quite a bit of information that can help you to feed your hedgehog better. Some of the things that you may want to know about this include the following:

  • Diet should include a balance of minerals, nutrients, and healthy fats
  • A nutritional diet will improve your hedgehog’s health and make them happier, too
  • One diet doesn’t fit all hedgehogs (talk to the breeder or veterinarian about the specific diet for your hedgehog)
  • Choose treats and foods for your hedgehog that are natural (no preservatives or chemicals)
  • Once you find the right diet for your hedgehog, stick with that (consistency is best when feeding hedgehogs as they don’t generally like changes to their food)

If you follow these tips when feeding your hedgehog, there will be a better chance that he or she lives longer. 

Water Needs

Another one of the tips to help improve the pet hedgehog lifespan is to ensure water needs are met. If you have a hedgehog as a pet, there are some things you can do to meet their water needs. Some of these things include the following:

  • Once you find the water that your hedgehog will drink, stick to that water (for example, if they like the water out of your kitchen sink, use that water, instead of store-bought water)
  • If possible, try to get your hedgehog to drink a certain store-bought bottled water (this way, if you move, they aren’t used to drinking the water at your house and then have to adjust to the water at a different house)
  • Dishes or water bottles may be what is needed (some guinea pigs like one of these over the other)

These are the best tips for ensuring your hedgehog is drinking enough water to stay hydrated. If they continue to do this, they may live longer. 

Exercising Regularly 

Hedgehogs need to get regular exercise. This will keep them healthier and help to increase their lifespan. The average lifespan of a hedgehog is 10 years. By making sure that your hedgehog is exercising regularly, they may live much longer. Some of the tips for having your hedgehog exercise include the following:

  • Make sure to have a wheel inside your hedgehog’s cage for exercising
  • Be sure to have a cage that is big enough for your hedgehog to move around
  • Provide plenty of time outside the cage for your hedgehog

These are some of the ways that you can get your hedgehog to exercise regularly. With regular exercise, your hedgehog might live years longer than the average lifespan of a hedgehog. 

Bedding for Your Hedgehog

Your hedgehog needs to have good bedding, as well. Some of the tips for providing the best bedding for your hedgehog include the following:

  • Bedding should be near the floor of your hedgehog’s cage
  • Softer woods are not a good bedding option for hedgehogs(for example, cured cedar or pine) 
  • Once you have safe bedding for your hedgehog, keep using that bedding
  • Don’t use pellet bedding for younger hedgehogs
  • Clean the bedding regularly 

If you follow these bedding tips, you can keep your hedgehog healthy and happy. Both happiness and improved health can help to increase your hedgehog’s lifespan. 

Temperature of the Environment 

The temperature of your hedgehog’s environment is important, as well. Most hedgehog breeders state that the environment should be between 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit. However, other breeders might say that a temperature as low as 68 degrees is fine. You may need to talk to the breeder you are getting your hedgehog from. If you do keep the temperature at the right number, it could help increase the lifespan of your hedgehog. 


If you are looking to extend or improve the lifespan of a hedgehog, hopefully, the tips above are going to help you. These are things that many hedgehog owners have done to keep their hedgehogs happy, healthy, and living longer. 

Keep in mind that you may want to talk to the breeder or shelter you are getting your hedgehog from. They may have more specific information about the environment they have been keeping your hedgehog in.

This might be the same type of environment that you want to keep the hedgehog in when you bring him or her home. 

How long do hedgehog pets live?

If you are planning to get a hedgehog for a pet, you probably want to know how long they will live. While there isn’t an exact answer to this, hedgehogs generally live around 10 years. However, some factors can affect this. There are ways you can improve the lifespan of a hedgehog. You can make sure they have the proper food, water, bedding, exercise, and environment.

What kind of animal is a hedgehog?

Many people want to get a hedgehog as a pet. If you would like one as a pet, it might be helpful to know more about what type of animal a hedgehog is. These animals are small mammals. They have short legs, faces that are shaped like a cone, and a body that is filled with quills. These quills look a bit like a porcupine. However, the quills on a hedgehog can’t be easily detached like they can on a porcupine.

Do hedgehogs have a spine?

You can look at a hedgehog and easily tell where its spine is at. They have a spine that is made of keratin. This makes their spine stiff. You will also see many hollow hairs on the spine of a hedgehog. The spine of a hedgehog isn’t barbed or poisonous like a porcupine. Something interesting, though, is that the babies lose their immature spine and get an adult spine later on.

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Written by Leo Roux

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