If you are looking for a hypoallergenic dog, unfortunately, there aren’t any dogs that are completely hypoallergenic. Every dog produces dander, fur, and allergens. Cocker spaniels are one of the dogs that have a double coat. They moderately shed. During shedding seasons, they shed even more. Even though these dogs are beautiful and playful, if you want a dog that is closer to hypoallergenic, this breed may not be for you. With that being said, you may want to learn a bit more about the cocker spaniel in relation, especially if you are trying to find the best dogs for allergies.
Defining Hypoallergenic

As just mentioned, there is no such thing as a truly hypoallergenic dog. However, there are dogs that shed just a little bit.
Some of those dogs are the Maltese, bichon frise, and poodles. You may be wondering whether those breeds would be the best hypoallergenic dogs. Not necessarily. Their fur can still cause allergic reactions in people. This is due to the proteins in their urine, saliva, and dander.
It is important to note that even if you have allergies to one dog breed, that doesn’t necessarily mean you will be allergic to another dog breed. Each dog has its own chemistry and each person’s immune system may respond differently to various breeds.
Hypoallergenic Cocker Spaniels

Originally, the cocker spaniel dog was a hunting breed. They stand about 14-15 inches tall at their shoulder height. They weigh between 20-30 pounds when they are an adult. With their adorable facial features and beautiful coat, this dog breed is as adorable as they come.
Let’s talk about the coat for a bit. The cocker spaniel dog has a flowing and feathery coat. Their coats can be many colors including silver, tan, black, white and buff, brown, or even tri-color. When it comes to being hypoallergenic or not, it is helpful to know that the cocker spaniel dog breed has been studied in allergen research projects. The results show that their saliva causes more allergic reactions than dander. In fact, when it comes to finding the best hypoallergenic dogs in regard to dander, the cocker spaniel dog has very little proteins in their dander. This means the dander on these dogs isn’t likely to cause allergic reactions in most people. With that being said, these dogs still aren’t hypoallergenic, but they may not be bad for someone who is allergic to dander.
Cocker Spaniels and Shedding

Now that you know the cocker spaniel dog isn’t hypoallergenic, you may want to know more about their shedding. These dogs do have a double coat, as mentioned above. It is long and silky. They also have an undercoat. While not all cocker spaniels will lose the same amount of hair, they do shed moderately. Some people who aren’t going to show their cocker spaniels will trim up their coat. Even when doing this, they are still going to shed. In the fall and spring, the shedding seasons, they will shed more than normal.
If you brush your cocker spaniel every day, you can get rid of the extra hair that they would otherwise be shedding throughout the house. This can help to keep their hair from getting all over the place.
Grooming a Cocker Spaniel

If you are going to adopt a cocker spaniel, you will need to groom them often. Brushing their coat every day is going to help keep their coat from being matted and tangled. If you trim up their coat, you should still groom them at least once every 3 days. However, if your cocker spaniel got dirty or if it is shedding season, you should groom them more often.
One of the best tools for grooming cocker spaniels is a slicker brush. If there are tangles or snarls in your cocker spaniel’s coat, be sure to take your fingers and carefully pick those apart. Don’t forget to take extreme care near their ears because the skin is delicate and thin.
Cocker Spaniel Bathing

It is also important that you are regularly bathing your cocker spaniel. You should get dog shampoo that is of excellent quality. You will need to rinse their coat after applying the shampoo. You should also rinse it one more time to ensure you got all of the soap out. If there is a soap residue left on your cocker spaniel, it can irritate their skin and damage their coat. If you are going to use a blow dryer, keep it on low at all times. You will also need to carefully dry your cocker spaniel’s ears after their bath. The cocker spaniel dog breed is prone to getting ear infections. However, keeping your dog’s ears dry can help to prevent this.
If you decide to do so, you can have your cocker spaniel dog groomed and bathed by a professional groomer. With regular groomer visits, you can ensure their coat is kept healthy and strong.
The cocker spaniel dog is not hypoallergenic. However, when it comes to dander, these can be one of the best dogs for allergies. If you are brushing them regularly, you can prevent their hair from getting all over the place.
Hello Leo Roux ,
Thanks for sharing such a valuable article on hypoallergenic truth and best dog breed for people with allergies. This is an informational and useful article which tells about the best dog breed for people with allergies. I am looking for a dog as a pet, so this information will helps me to buy a dog. We also have to take care of our pets on daily basis so i also want to share some information on best hypoallergenic dog shampoo which i have read here https://hypoallergenicpetbreeds.com/best-dog-shampoo-for-allergy-sufferers/.
Looking for more information about pet dogs from your side. Will wait for your next article.
Michael Smith