Tina W.
Our old girl (13) has lumps and bumps. She has a nice size lump under her right front leg which has been there for a while and I haven't noticed a change in that yet. However some of her other bumps seem to have gone down. So, being hopeful, I bought three more jars.
Adam L.
It worked good it's sad we can't trust the food
Brenda W.
She has more energy no doubt. I believe it is a good product. We are just starting her second jar. I will keep updating
Richard P.
It seemed to be working and the lumps and bumbs have gone down.
Sheldon Y.
My pit/lab batman started to develop a large bump on her ribs about a year ago. It got larger, almost to a tennis balls size. I've been using this for a little over a month now and her bump has gotten a lot smaller and softer. Her other small lumps/skin tags also went away!! Most of all, I didn't realize how much her energy and mood would improve! She's noticably happier and hangs with the rest of the pack a lot more now days. Thanks Buddy Guard!!
Terry W.
Khloe is a boxer/cattle dog mix who we adopted 2 years ago and she is about to turn 11. She came with lumps in various spots that vet said were harmless but we didn’t like that they were growing. She had a total of 6 with 3 the size of grapes and 3 the size of blueberries. Since taking Buddy guard all have shrunk and 3 have almost disappeared. Khloe doesn’t mind the powder mixed in with her food.
Deborah P.
Roxy’s lumps seem to be getting smaller n she’s only been on it about 6 weeks
Helen S.
My miniature Schnauzer is covered with lumps. Some large and some small. Been feeding Buddy Guard for a little over a month and some of the massive lumps have become soft and have broken into smaller lumps. Nothing has disappeared as yet, but I am hopeful. The Vet stopped counting at 50 lumps at his last appointment, so there are many to try and see if they are improving. The softening of the lumps is exciting for me as I always feared these lumps would burst through his skin.
james r.
I waited to write this review to make sure what I was seeing was real ! It was, our 6 year old German shepherd had surgery twice in the past to remove lumps the last surgery was the worst. We decided never to put her through that again. I seen this product and thought I’m going to try it I’m glad I did, just gave her a bath and I can only find 1 lump remaining the size of a pencil eraser the first product I purchased for dogs that actually worked. Jim
Robert G.
Had to have one bump removed by the Vet due to its location. All the others have shrunk. Still have work to do on them. Product does work. Depends on the dog and the bumps.
Scudder M.
The dogs like it. It seems to have helped our sugarface liven up.
Shelley C.
My old doggo still has lumps and bumps but she is bright-eyed and still gets the zoomies at the park. My brother commented that she is looking good. She is 16.5. I think the shrooms are helping her!
Kris K.
Our 10 year old rescue (mutt-mixed breed) developed quite a few lumps, some very worrisome. She has been on Buddy Guard for 5 weeks and her lumps are softening and some have noticeably decreased in size. Very hopeful as we go forward with this product.
Robin S.
I really believe this stuff is working. Zero has been on it two months but because we missed ordering, he went 10 days without it. I don’t see any growth in the lump. And I’m convinced if I keep going, the lump will reduce. Zero also loves the taste for some reason and once I sprinkle it all over his food he really goes after it. I will tell you more as the months progress.
Marilyn P.
The fatty masses have reduced significantly in my 11 1/2 year old lab. I am very pleased.
Sloane F.
I would buy again. My dog doesn’t love the taste though.
Tara B.
Absolutely fabulous product! My Golden-doodle had had incredible results very quickly we will absolutely keep her on it.
Thank you so much!
Melissa L.
Lynrd Skynard , my Lab mix has lumps and bumps! He has been on Buddy Guard for 2-1/2 months. I have noticed his big bump has softened a bit and his smaller ones are slowly dissolving. Thank you Petsmont for finding alternative to Western Medicine!
I will continue to use this product and see more results!
Thank you again!
El Paso, Texas
Bobbie W.
My Lily has been using this for almost 2 months. She has many lumps and bumps and where I don’t see a change in all of them I am seeing a couple appearing smaller. I order 3 months of Petmount mushroom so I will wait to make a definite decision on this product.
Enid G.
It took about 8 months, but the lipoma shrunk then eventually dissolved.
Kelley L.
Some if my dog's lumps are reducing in size. He seems to tolerate this supplement very well.
Renee (.
We're still in the 2nd month, but we definitely see marked improvement in the size of our dog's lipomas.
He has already had two surgeries for these, but now that he is a senior, we wanted to find something less invasive. This seems to be the answer we were hoping for. We're going to keep with it and we will keep you updated on the progress. But for now, we are very happy, hopeful, and optimistic.
Kili's Mom and Dad
Janelle A.
The lumps on my dog didn't reduce in size, even after a couple of months of consistent use. I did notice his energy and playfulness improve slightly so I will continue with it in hopes that it's at least easing some of his discomfort. He's 10 but nobody believes me as he is still slender and active. But the bumps give away his age
Rudi W.
Have only used it for about a month, but seem to notice a change in overall energy
Sarah E.
I bought this as a skeptic and I am happily surprised to report that it’s helped my senior dog, Pearl, immensely! The lump on her mouth is half the size it was a month ago. I was not expecting her energy levels to increase so much since I was focused on the lumps and bumps. She is now running around in circles again like she was when I first adopted her 4 years ago. I can see that her skin allergies are dissipating as well. She isn’t scratching or chewing on her feet and legs like she was. Overall, I would recommend this Petsmont Buddy Guard product to all my friends and family for their dog. I gave it to my pup with caution since I read reviews that some dogs got an unsavory reaction. I am pumped to get the second shipment soon.
Elaine P.
My 14 year old Springer Spaniels have both had lots of benign lumps in their old age. One had to be surgically removed. Since giving them Buddy Guard, however, they are diminishing and there are no new ones. It took about a month before I noticed a difference. Hurrah! And they appear more energetic which at 14 is amazing.
The packaging of this product is also well thought out, simple, without plastic and easy to open and close. Bravo!
Chantelle L.
Our goldendoodle still has a lump on her leg after 2 months but she has more energy and doesn’t act like she’s in pain anymore. She has some arthritis but you would never know it by her behavior! We even stopped giving her Rimadyl and will be ordering more Petsmound! She loves the flavor and licks her bowl so clean that it shines!
Brian B.
Almost done with second jar and unfortunately have not seen any improvement in Sammy's lumps. Have seen a somewhat increase in energy but on the fence about investing in this more.
Lisa P.
I have to say I found this product and I pulled my dog 17 yo shitzhu out of the vet oncologist! She had tumors growing in her neck lymph nodes and they were just monitoring them since slow growing. They were becoming big and distorting her throat area and super noticeable visually. I put her on this product and all the other dogs in the pack. In less than two weeks I thought I noticed the tumors shrinking and thought I was just being too hopeful. WHAM in 1 month significantly noticeable by touch the shale and sizes had shrunk. Visually she doesn't look like a stuff sock around her neck. Moving into our second order of the product and highly recommend this to any dog owner. I posted it on my social media page and there were 4 people I know that bought it immediately for their pets and 1 had just started their dog on it too. No problem for my picky eater dog who turn his nose up to may foods even treats. He gobbled it up like it wasn't even there!
If you're questioning this product, just buy it! Hopefully you will get the fast results you are looking for like I have with my dog :)
Tamara S.
My dog Chewie had a big hard lump on the side of her neck which can fit in the pum of my hand.Now it is smaller and soft.
Merrilee C.
My 12 year old poodle has developed lumps and growths on her skin. Then she tangled with a toad with disastrous results. We thought we would lose her. Once she started on Buddt Guard and the Salmon oil she begin improving within a few days. I am ready to reorder. She has greatly improved every day in the 6 weeks she has been on both products.
Mary M.
We are on our second pkg of this. So far so good. One small lump has not gotten large- looks a bit smaller. The other one has done better too. We will continue using this and hope for the best. Thank you for this product.
Kelley C.
Our older lab mix had lumps in places that were going to affect her ability to move. The lumps kept getting bigger. After one jar the lumps are probably 1/2-3/4 less the e they were. I am hoping they will continue to shrink. Thrilled with the product!
Enid G.
Large bump is shrinking
Terry W.
I am thrilled with this product. Khloe is a 10 year old mixed breed who we adopted 2 years ago - she came with 2 lumps on her chest and 2 lumps on each outer thigh - the vet said not to worry but every time I pet her I feel them. They’ve been growing slowly to the size of grapes. The first week is a loading dose at double normal - I expected no results for 2 or 3 months but after 1 week all lumps were shrinking, after 3 weeks 3 out of 6 lumps are almost gone! This stuff is wonderful!
Laura P.
So happy to share our chessies lumps are much much smaller! He also seems more frisky! ❤️
Catalina B.
Having been using this product daily, I've been able to watch my dog's lumps go down right in front of my eyes. You have to be diligent and not skip a day but this product truly does work!
Heidi R.
Three dogs love it. The 10 year old is.the only one that has lumps and bumps. Great product
Jocelyn H.
This stuff started working on the lump on her side before we were even out of the 2nd container, I was giving the double dose for 2 weeks straight and by the end of week 2 it had went from bein big as a Bing cherry to pee size.. Wanted to add that we paired this with 2 crushed up tablets of 10mg zyrtec mixed in with quail egg n salmon oil...
Lee F.
My 47 pound mixed breed dog had a fatty lipoma on his chest that grew to the size of a plum and was hard and hot! I tried Buddy Guard as directed and about 3 weeks later the lump had started to shrink. It's now the size of a ping pong ball and no longer hard or warm. However, it's STILL THERE and doesn't seem to be shrinking more. Also his other lumps (he's very lumpy!) are still palpable -- but they don't seem to have grown. Is there a chance that the lumps will ever COMPLETELY DISAPPEAR if I continue Buddy Guard ?
Christine L.
Our pup Bedelia has a lump in her neck which the vet tested and said was just an oily cyst. I saw the advertisement and figured let’s give it a try and I have noticed its getting smaller.
Suzanne S.
I love my 11 year old doxy/boxer, Sadie. . She is a lumpy, bumpy girl! Nearing the bottom of our first container, its beginning to make a difference! The potato sized lump on her side and the lump on her back are both beginning to look a bit smaller. The others on her body do too! I’m looking forward to continued results! By the way, Sadie loves this in her dinner every night, an added plus! Thank you for a pup-approved, non-invasive product that works!
Lenor L.
Seems to be doing the job hope it keeps up!
Charles C.
I'd like to say 1st this really worked in the early months upon learning Hershey had Mass Cell Tumor's. Upon starting it took a few weeks to see results. For next 6 months it bought more energy and the Tumor's decreased in size. Hershey survived another seven months because of this product. But the Cancer finally took over in her organs and she was laid to rest March 21,2023. I would recommend this product to anyone. It bought me more happiness in life when we knew the battle she faced. RiP Hershey
maria h.
Patches is a 12 year old tripawed ACD. This product has helped shrink her multiple lipomas.
They seem to be getting smaller and some disappearing.
Elizabeth K.
It is a great product