Cathy G.
I just started giving it to my dog Chase a little over a month ago and it seems to be working on his little lumps so far. Think we need more time for it to work on his big ones. Thank You!
Rob F.
After approximately 5 weeks I noticed that some of her lumps were getting smaller. Other lumps have not changed at all. I have not noticed any increase in energy.
In the last three weeks the lumps that were getting smaller have not gotten any smaller. Wondering if I should try increasing amount given.
Marilyn A.
Rocky’s lipoma is three times smaller! Thank you! I had another friend try it too!
Laura P.
She has a lump that feels rather hard that has not gone away so I need to have the vet look at it.
Karen B.
His lumps and bumps don't seem to have shrunk, but feel softer. I think they'll just take a little more time.. I'm very hopeful.
Richard H.
The bumps on her leg were large and they are small now
I've been giving Charity some of the buddy guard for a lump on her stomach/ches for 1month, it has gotten smaller. So I'm gonna keep my eye on it and pray it goes away. Thankyou
Devin G.
Dogs coat is Shiney and she seems to have less itchy skin but still is itching a bit.
Kelly G.
Our dog passed away recently from mast cell tumor complications, but he loved the flavor of the buddy guard, and it did improve his energy while he was with us.
Janet C.
It seems to have helped with his overall energy level.
Donna C.
On the big lump Petsmont didn’t take it away as you can see before and after the smaller ones seem to not be growing faster and her energy is that of a puppy no sore joints very playful her coat is shining and soft l am going to continue with the product she seems happy on it and who knows her lumps might go away or she might not grow new ones she’s nine
Steven S.
More energy, softer coat, lumps shrinking
Andrew H.
she does not smell her hearing is coming back. She still has some memory lumps, but they’re not as hard and overall energy is much better.
Shelli P.
225lbs Great Dane. He had bad elbows. It helped with inflammation and bleeding. He used to lick them.
Crystal S.
I would definitely recommend this product it has significantly help with the cancerous lumps, reducing the size to having some disappear. I have spent thousands on several surgeries for my Bully who is 9years old and this product is heaven sent. Thankful I was able to find the product. I have recommended it to a friend that is going thru the same situation. Give it a try you won't regret it. The alternative is continuing with painful surgeries for any fur baby
Tammy S.
I can tell a difference in the size of the bumps on his belly since starting my boy on Buddy Guard last month. I gave it to him twice a day at first so I blew through the first two cans quickly. I’m looking forward to getting the next shipment.
Nathalie R.
Within the first 3 weeks I noticed his lumps started feeling softer and were not as tight as before! I’m hoping to see them start reducing in size over time, but I’m super happy that they’re already feeling like less of a discomfort to him now. He loved the flavor, too, as he had no problem enjoying dinner just as fast as ever (despite our slow feeder)!
Kathryn C.
We got this for our black lab. We adopted her so we don’t know her exact age but assume she is around 10 years old. She was starting to get several lumps all around and had 3 noticeably large ones. All of the smaller newer bumps have completely disappeared along with one of the large ones. The two biggest ones have shrank significantly. We are thrilled with the results and will continue it to see if we can get all of the lumps gone!
Ruthann F.
I was skeptical at first
But in 2wks time I started to see changes
Stacey B.
Our dog loves this product. We add warm water and make a gravy with it and he gobbles it up! We have noticed a couple lumps that have started to shrink!
Stephanie P.
My dogs love the stuff! They clean it up! Her lumps seem to be shrinking ❤️
Victor J B.
After1 month we are beginning to see a reduction in size of some of our 12 year old mixed breed lumps
Katherine W.
While some of the lumps are still present, they've all at least reduced somewhat in size. Odin has one spot that was kind of like a wart behind his front leg, around the side of a quarter. It's completely gone now, except there's no hair. And he has a fatty tumor at the base of his tail that is continuing to get smaller.
Besides that, his energy is up, his coat is beautiful and soft and shiny again...he looks amazing!
LuAnn M.
Lumps that he has seemed to be smaller. His energy level has increased.
Robert A.
We are new to the company. Delivery times have been great. The dogs really seem to enjoy the taste of the powder. It's really easy to use. My dog has had his tumors surgically removed already. The product is a preventative step, so unfortunately I can not rate it's effectiveness.
Barbara H.
Most of her bumps are totally gone
Jim L.
My 14 year old Lab has multiple wart like growths all over. These are noticeably smaller and appear to be kind of melting away after about half of out first jar. Many thanks from Miss Blossom!
Tammy B.
they enjoyed it and I could see the lumps starting to go down
Michelle E.
Pups have been taking a scoop each morning for lumpy bumpies and allergies for a couple months
While the lumps haven't disappeared, they haven't grown; there had been consistent gradual growth.
Allergies seemed to lessen for a while, but they have come back this week (granted, it is that time of year when seasonal allergies are at their peak).
So no complaints.
Robin M.
My lumpy English mastiff is down to 3 visible lumps and no neenones since starting thr Buddy Guard on her food. Also have an elderly smaller doggie with fatty tumors. These have also decreased in size. Very happy with these products!
katharina V.
Praying it will help
Audrey S.
Shes full of energy.playing more .
Bumps are gone.
John H.
Gemma had a bump the size of a baseball. After using Buddy Guard for five weeks we are already seeing amazing change. It has reduced in hieght and diameter!
Demi L.
I have a 6 year old black lab who is the light of my family’s life. I noticed a lump on his side and immediately panicked. I had seen ads for this product on my social media so I gave it a try. We are on month two and the lump feels smaller! He also has noticeably more energy. He’s 90 lbs so I gets 4 flat scoops per day. I am excited to keep using this product to see if the lump goes away completely. No cost is too much for a member of our family.
Barbara M.
It is a work in progress. It appears they are getting smaller. We will continue to monitor.
Gena S.
Helping with the lumps but not completely clearing them.
Gail G.
Max has had a large lump on his side for several years. Our vet said it is nothing to worry about.
As a worried Mom of my 9 year old ,100+ pound pup I wanted to be sure I did all I could to help him.
He still has the lump but it has decreased in size and he acts just like a puppy so I’m very happy with the product.
Thank you
Keeley H.
My baby had a lump the size of a golf ball and depending o his allergies that day it would either grow or shrink, within one purchase of this product it significantly improved the size and it has stayed this size since. Very grateful will be subscribing for the next delivery
Only been a month and his lumps aren't gone but have reduced greatly.
Kenneth R.
Helps almost all of the lumps. Some don’t go away completely. Vet is going to check on them. But it works on 85% of them.
Jacquelyn C.
It works! It really works!!! I wish I had taken before pics. Our big old boy has several smaller lumps and bump. 2 of the lipomas are very large and noticeably shrinking and getting softer. My fur baby will be on this for the rest of his days!
Stephanie W.
Rebel had 5-7 lipomas. They've all shrunk dramatically. I give this to all the of my dog's. One has had cancer. The other is a puppy and I figure the lions mane should help improve her immune system.
Betty W.
My German started breaking out in these lumps several. Months ago. We had no idea how to treat them. I knew they were non cancerous but didn't know how to stop the spread until I saw your add on Instagram. I checked your company and others out before purchasing. I finally decided to go ahead and try the product. Your product was more complete than others so I wanted the better product. It only took a few weeks of daily use to notice the lumps diminishing in size and the smaller ones gone. IT WORKS. I will purchase again, Great product at a great price. Thank you .....
Denise R.
Most of Sadie’s lumps have reduced in size
I was a little skeptical & reluctant to try this. I had my pup’s lumps tested by the vet & they were benign. Since they were not interfering with her mobility I did not want her to have unnecessary surgery and opted to give Buddy Guard a try (she is an 85 lb, 9 y/o golden doodle)
I am on my 3rd month of Buddy Guard & her lumps are noticeably smaller!! She has so much hair, I cannot submit a photo. But I can tell by touch & I am so happy.
She loves the taste & so does her sister (so I sprinkle some on her food too). Her overall demeanor seems to have also improved. She is suddenly much more playful and energetic.
I am thrilled I gave this a try!! I highly recommend this product!
Kevin N.
My dog has gained energy and seems healthy.
Lisa W.
Lumps are staying the same and not getting any bigger!!
Dennis K.
Lump is still there - but continues to shrink.
Vickie C.
It's only been 1 months
Essie J.
Some lumps have disappeared
Jenifer T.
Kessler passed away on Wednesday.
Kelley L.
Started noticing a lot more lumps on our 12 year old bull terrier. Started using Buddy Guard on her food and really started noticing a difference about 2 months in. Lumps seemed so much smaller & she seemed to have more energy.
Really happy with the product!
Fannie K.
My dog had a baseball sized lump on the side of his neck. By the third canister the lump was almost gone. By the end of the forth canister it had come back and was the same size as it was at the beginning. I doubled the amount of Buddy Guard he was getting and by the seventh canister it had totally disappeared. We are at the end of our eighth canister and he is still lump free.
Vincent R.
While it did not reduce the lumps, they did not get any bigger. It does seem to have the effect of putting "pep in his step" and reduce the amount of scratching he was doing.
Jill W.
the lumps are shrinking and my 12 year old Lab has more energy.
marcella s.
he's been on Buddy Guard through one container. he has a large growth and I do think it is shirnking. still unsure but he acts fine. feels good and has alot of energy.
Laura K.
My senior (12 1/2 years old) Pit/Mastiff mix has many lumps (vet terms them as lipomas - benign growths) and bumps (skin tags, etc.). The vet said they are not a health concern and are normal in older dogs. I believed there was nothing that would help until I discovered Buddy Guard & decided it couldn't hurt to try. She has been taking it since 12/24 (over a month now) and I have seen some results. The smaller lumps have decreased in size and a couple of them opened, scabbed and healed. I plan to continue feeding it to her and look forward to continued results. She also seems to have more energy than before starting it. I am not expecting miracles, but I do think it is improving her overall health.
Barbara T.
I’ve only had one order - I can tell they are a little smaller / just want to keep giving it to him and see if they decrease even more, just haven’t had the extra money to get another but plan too soon
Richard R.
Great product. My dogs love it.
Dennis W.
My 9 year old lab has many lumps and bumps. At the last vet checkup in Dec 2024 the vet said that they were not cancerous, but there were many, several were large. After roughly 6 weeks, the lumps are still there, but are certainly smaller. The smaller ones may be gone. I am looking forward to continued use and hopefully continued shrinkage of the lumps. Also, I'm wondering if her increased energy is also a result, or maybe she is showing her love of snow?
James W.
Actually Developed more Lumps
Malena M.
Since my dog started using this I notice he is getting up a little better from laying down. He also have a little bit more energy as well. But it is a little early to notice a full affect.
Lorraine T.
My 6 year old female German shepherd has recently (in the past year) been sprouting lumps (lipomas) mainly on her legs and paws and one on her head. We had one surgically removed last year (expensive and she chewed off her stitches even with the cone). The lump tested non cancerous, but she had since sprouted more of these similar lumps on her legs. Some were growing larger with time. I started using this product on her about 3 months ago. I don't see the lumps disappearing or shrinking (which bothers me), but I also haven't seen them get larger yet nor any new ones lately. I'm praying this continues as I really don't want to put her thru more surgeries for these lipomas
Jill D.
Only on third month but seems to have shrunk the one lump.
Lindsey M.
These pictures are taken two weeks apart! And now it’s even smaller and lower. Our golden retriever is 11! And all of his other minor bumps and warts have gotten smaller too! We are so amazed and in our 4th month.
Ed P.
It’s only been 30 days but I’ve seen some improvements
Kandi H.
The lumps are shrinking on my dog but also, his energy levels have increased. Harley is a 10 year old American Staffordshire Terrier. I took a chance with this as my disposable income is limited. I'm glad I did.
Sheila H.
One lump reduced in size (had skin tags as well). The other 3" cyst/ lump actually grew! I had it drained by Vet on Jan 21 and will see how it goes. The other many bumps on the GSP I haven't a clue! He's 12 yrs 4 months old. I brought Buddy Guard to the Vet and she didn't have a problem continuing with it. Also, his liver reading actually was better than previous October visit. He's gained weight but not certain what is contributing.....working on reducing food to drop about 5 pounds.
Amber O.
Charlie’s bumps have significantly reduced in size. His energy level is up and seems to enjoy having it in his food. Looking forward to seeing continued progress!
Dennis A.
They didn't go completely away but they did go down in size
mary s.
I’m grateful my boy likes it in his food but I can’t see any difference.
Patricia D.
So far it’s not really making a difference on his lumps or bumps but he seams to eat a little better with it in his food since he is a picky eater
Chris C.
Didn’t work as expected
Holly F.
I used it before and I think it stopped the growth of lumps. But after stopping it the lumps started growing again. So I reordered it again and this time have only been using it for a few weeks.
Tracey F.
I have noticed one lump on Leo shrink to almost half its size. The few other small ones he has have not grown any more.
Claudia S.
Still in the first month of giving it to her.
Alan R.
Cisco has allergies that create a painful skin condition that Buddy Guard was able to correct in 2 weeks time. We are thrilled with this product and I took it to my vet and they were also impressed.
Cisco is 13 this year and I have also noted his newfound Energy and Alertness.
Thank you Petsmont!
Office O.
His energy has improved immensely and his poop issues have also improved. The bumps are not gone yet, but they are getting smaller. Definitely going to order more!
Naomi K.
The bump has flattened but there’s still a hard piece I can feel. I will continue using the product because it has shown results.
Amanda D.
I absolutely love buddy guard!! One of my packages got lost in the mail and they were very quick to get the issue resolved! I can not recommend this stuff enough! My 15 year old cocker spaniel is doing so much better and the fatty tumors are getting much smaller. Thank you Petsmont for such an amazing product!
Patricia E.
Skyler is a female boxer and has a very sensitive stomach and started developing lumps and bumps especially a large lump on left lower leg. She is seen regularly by vet but hasn’t been able to help with the lumps. So we gave this a try a few months ago and have had awesome results with better digestion and decreased lumps and bumps and energy level has greatly increased. A huge thank you.
Courtney U.
Seems to be helping my older dogs lumps and her energy.
Michelle S.
Our 14 year old Lab has multiple lumps aka fatty tumors. One big one, located on his shoulder, was very large and hard. It has softened and decreased in size over the past two months. We are now on our third month of use and are looking forward to continuing effective results.
Susan J.
You will be amazed how much of a differance buddyguard makes in your doggie in very little time . there is no way any company could have this many reviews if it didnt work. Save yourself the headache and high cost to see a vet when this stuff works! If it doesnt... Then take your dog to the vet but it really does work so cough up the lil bucks and make your doggie feel better the first week its not like you have alot of options when it comes to lumps and bumps. Why are you still reading this? You should be ordering buddyguard!
Betty E.
Coco has lumps and grows. She had one on her bottom eye lid that was $400 to remove. It came back. She also had a growth on her paw the size of a nickel and 1/2 inch high. Vet said if we remove it it will come back. Left it. Now both are disappearing. Her larger bumps are hard to tell if they are getting smaller. I have great hope seeing her smaller ones almost disappearing.
Brenda W.
Praying for good results. Autumn is our heart and has surgery to remove cancerous areas. We are on constant alert for any signs that might indicate other cancerous growths.
Marci L.
still watching, but I really think his lumps are getting smaller.
blanka k.
My pup is 13 yrs old. Definitely has gotten lazy over the yrs an in more pain due to his joints. This stuff has made it so much easier for him to be active!
John M.
It's starting to work I noticed the bumps losing there roundness.
Melissa M.
I needed to select all the issues cancer lumps and bumps itchy skin and allergies, my senior XXL bully is only getting by because of this product without it he just sleeps all the time
Dana E.
We are seeing improvement with each passing day & our boy seems to be feeling better
Joyce S.
I can not see any difference in his bumps. Please be sure all future orders have been canceled. Thank you.
Joyce Sink
4905 Jefferson St
Greenville Tx 75401