Bengal Cat Adoption: Everything You Need to Know

Bengal cats are an extremely beautiful and unique breed of a domesticated cat, so it comes as no surprise that you would want to adopt one and make it a part of your family. That being said, it’s important to know more about this breed before beginning the steps in the adoption process. 

Before adopting a Bengal cat pet, it’s important to know about their personality, their mannerisms, and the specifics about their diet or health tendencies. As much as you want to love and care for a new cat, it’s important to know whether they will fit in with your lifestyle and if you can take care of them the way they need to be taken care of in the long run. 

Where Did Bengal Cats Come From: The Bengal Cat Origin

The domesticated Bengal cats that we know and love in today’s time originated when an Asian leopard cat and a common domesticated cat were crossbred. The original story of this unique new breed of cat is actually very interesting. 

A scientist who lived in California had adopted an Asian leopard cat to keep her company while she worked. To keep her Asain leopard from also becoming lonely she adopted a tomcat to be the leopard’s companion. To her surprise, these two breeds were able to mate. Thus, resulting in the birth of the cat breed that we now know as the Bengal cat. The name “Bengal” cat was derived from the scientific name for the Asian leopard cat - “Felis Bengalensis”. 

Bengal Cat Personality

A Bengal house cat makes a great addition to almost any family, with just a few exceptions.  In order to determine whether a Bengal cat is the right fit for you and your family you first need to understand a little more about their personality types and their unique needs. 

Bengals are known for their high energy levels, endless curiosity, and their talkative nature. Your Bengal will love to run around, investigate their surroundings, and climb up anything they can. Other than out of pure playfulness, Bengals are also known for their love of climbing, as it simulates how they would be hunting in the wild. Just like how their ancestors the Asian leopards may have done. 

This being said, it’s important that you will be able to keep up with their high energy and provide some sort of climbing apparatus for them to safely play on. Someone who cannot facilitate a play area with places to climb may want to put some thought into whether adopting a Bengal cat is right for them or not. 

This breed of cat thrives when they have a friend to play with during the day. Whether it is you or a family member who is present daily to interact with. Or another feline friend for them to spend time with. If you are only interested in having one pet and intend to leave that pet home alone often, a Bengal cat might not be the best match for you and your lifestyle. 

Bengal Health and Nutrition

Bengal cats are generally a healthy breed of cat, free of any outstanding genetically inherited diseases. Although, in some cases where a Bengal was brought about by poor breeding practices you may find that they are having more health problems than expected. This is why it’s important to get as much health history from a breeder as you can, before deciding to adopt. 

Some studies have found that Bengal cats as a breed, are more prone to a disease called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Data has also shown us that Bengals are also sometimes prone to developing a disease called “feline infectious peritonitis”


The number of reasons why you should adopt a Bengal and why they’d make a great addition to your family, greatly outnumbers the small handful of reasons why you should not. Bengals are great house cats that are full of energy and personality. 

The most important things to keep in mind when considering adopting a Bengal cat are a few points about their personality and their mannerisms. Bengals are active and playful house cats who will live a much happier life if they can live in a home where their owner is home to play often or there is another cat present to keep them company. 

Although these cats have been known to face a slight health complication in rare instances, they are relatively healthy cats overall. When adopting an animal, any breed or species, health issues should always be taken into account. 

On that same note, they are playful and love to climb. They will need a home that can facilitate them having a cat tree of some sort fo them to climb just as they would in the wild when hunting. Overall, Bengals are happy, playful, and easy-going cats who would make a great addition to almost any family. 

What is a Bengal cat?

A Bengal cat is a hybrid breed of cat that is a combination of a common domestic short-haired cat and an Asian leopard cat. Bengal cats came to be through an unanticipated mating of these two breeds of cat. Bengals are domestic house cats with a rare fur pattern that consists of various shades of brown and black spots. They are coveted house pets and sometimes referred to as the “Rolls Royce” of house cats.

How long do Bengal cats live?

A Bengal cat’s life span is about the same as your average domesticated cat. They typically live 12-16 years.

What do Bengal cats eat?

Their diet isn’t any different than what you might feed a typical house cat like a domestic short-haired cat. Cats as a species are carnivores, so you will want to make sure to include some sort of meat such as chicken or fish. Depending on what stage in their life they are in (kitten or senior cat) you will need to provide the correct amount of nutrients for their particular stage.

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Written by Leo Roux

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